How long will the pain REALLY last after surgery?
How long will it REALLY take to get back to your normal, active life?
UNFORTUNATELY, Most People Significantly Underestimate The Amount Of Time It Takes To Get Back To Normal Life.
BUT, THERE IS GOOD NEWS... Recent medical research has some answers about how to recover from knee replacement surgery, and get back to a pain-free, active life, FASTER.

Jane was 73 when she went in for knee replacement surgery.
Just 8 weeks later, she was on vacation in Mexico. She hiked the Aztec ruins with some friends and had no trouble keeping up with them the whole time.
Her knee was pain-free the entire vacation and she had the time of her life!
How was Jane able to eliminate the post-surgery pain so quickly?
And how did she get back to being so active in such a short period of time?
Like all of us, Jane had doubts and concerns when she went in for her knee replacement surgery.
She wondered how bad the pain would be after surgery, and how long it would last. She didn’t know how long it would take to get back to being active and physical again… and a part of her wondered if she might never be able to be active again.
She was told that she would need to do exercises and stretches after her surgery to strengthen her muscles and her new replacement knee, and increase her “range of motion,” but she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to handle exercises after her surgery because…
- she was 73 years old
- she didn’t exercise or workout on a regular basis
- she was afraid she might lose her balance while she exercised, and maybe fall
- she wouldn’t be able to drive after surgery, so she had no way to get outside of her house
What Exactly Did 73-Year-Old Jane Do
After Her Knee Replacement Surgery, To
Get Back To A Pain-Free, Active Life
In Just A Matter Of Weeks?
Right before her surgery, Jane found out about an exercise program specifically designed for people who have knee replacement surgery.
This exercise routine:
- Is based on the latest medical and scientific research related to recovery from knee replacement surgery
- Can be done in the comfort of your own home
- Can be done with just your body and a floor (or bed)
- Takes only 16 minutes (or less) to complete each day
- Is so gentle that virtually anyone, at any age can do it
- Is low-impact and easy-to-do, so you can do it even if you have bad balance, if you’re out of shape, or even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life
So Jane gave this exercise routine a shot, and... 8 weeks later, she was in Mexico hiking with her friends, pain-free!
Now, Jane’s case may be exceptional - her results may not be typical, and certainly nothing works for everyone, but…
This Is The Fastest, Easiest, Safest Way I’ve Found, In My 25+ Years As A Kinesiologist And Pain And Injury Specialist, To Get Back To A Normal, Active, Pain-Free Life After Knee Replacement Surgery...
On this page, I’m going to show you the exact same program Jane used, and many other people have used, to get back to a normal, active, pain-free life after knee replacement surgery.
For 25+ years now, I’ve been in the business of helping people eliminate pain, recover from injuries, and return to active, healthy lives.
I can say with confidence that this simple exercise routine is the fastest, easiest, safest, most effective way I’ve found to recover from knee replacement surgery.
But, before I show you the exercise routine, I want to quickly show you three important things about it:
- Why you will actually do this exercise routine consistently
- Why you don’t need to be scared of doing this exercise routine
- Why you can be confident this exercise routine will work for you, and help you get back to the life you love, faster and easier
Here’s Why You’ll Actually Do This Exercise Program, Consistently…
One of most important things about an exercise program like this one is that it has to be easy enough to do, so people will actually do it on a consistent basis…
...otherwise you won’t get the results!
Some of the reasons people don’t consistently do programs like this one are:
- “I don’t have enough time.”
- “I don’t want to, or can’t get to a gym.”
- “I don’t want to buy and change into special exercise clothes.”
- “I don’t want it to be a big pain-in-the-butt to do this everyday.
The exercise routine I’m going to show you on this page was intentionally designed to be very easy and very convenient, so people would actually do it on a consistent basis… because that’s the only way you can get the results you want.
Here’s why this routine is so easy and convenient:
- It only takes 16 minutes (or less) each day to complete
- You don’t need a gym
- You don’t need to drive anywhere, you can do this in the comfort of your own home
- You don’t need to change into special exercise clothes
- You don’t need any expensive equipment, you can do this exercise routine with just your body and a floor
- You don’t need to shower after you do the routine, because you won’t even break a sweat!
Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Be Scared Of Doing This Exercise Program…

Are you worried you’re too old to do an exercise routine like this?
Are you worried about your balance, or that you might get injured, especially after your surgery?
Are you worried you’re too out-of-shape?
Are you worried you can’t do this because you’ve never really exercised consistently (or at all)?
Please don’t worry about any of these - the exercise routine I’m going to show you has taken all of these into consideration.
- This routine was designed specifically for men and women between the ages of 50 and 90+, who have had (or will have) knee replacement surgery, knowing fully well that people in this situation have very unique and specific exercise needs and capabilities.
- The movements and exercises in this routine are extremely gentle, safe, and easy on your joints.
- This program follows a gradual progression model that starts you out with a very low-impact, low-intensity, and short-duration routine - one that virtually any person can do, regardless of age, fitness, or exercise experience. Then, if you want to progress and increase your results, we show you how to easily accomplish this too.
3 Reasons You Can Feel Confident That
This Knee Replacement Exercise Routine
Will Work For You...
- This exercise program is more comprehensive than other similar programs (and what most doctors and physical therapists prescribe!)
The unfortunate fact is: many people do not get the proper care and education following knee replacement surgery.
Their doctors and physical therapists haven’t carefully reviewed all of the latest research on knee replacement recovery, and they typically prescribe an exercise rehabilitation program that is too narrowly focused, and not nearly comprehensive enough.
These programs typically look something like this:

The 16-minute knee replacement recovery program I’m going to show you on this page, looks like this:

You can see right away that this is much more comprehensive, because it includes a lot more approaches and different methods for strengthening and protecting your new replacement knee and the surrounding muscles.
Why is this routine more comprehensive?
Because it was designed using the latest scientific and medical research, which has found that recovery from knee replacement surgery can be enhanced and sped up by using multiple approaches to healing, strengthening and increasing range of motion.
In just a minute, I’m going to walk you through each of the 10 approaches and methods you saw in the diagram above, and show you how each of them contributes an important piece to your full recovery from knee replacement surgery.
If you’re worried that because this routine is so comprehensive, that it will also be difficult, complicated or time-consuming, don’t worry.
In spite of the fact that it’s so comprehensive, the program I’m going to show you takes only 16 minutes (or less) each day to complete, and is so easy and low-impact that virtually any person can do it, regardless of age, weight, fitness level, flexibility, or experience with exercise.
- This exercise program is based on scientific and medical research.
Doctors and physical therapists are busy. They don’t always have the time to carefully review and analyze all of the latest and relevant scientific and medical research related to knee replacement surgery recovery.
I have the time… because finding solutions like this is my full-time job!
And, after 25+ years of doing this full-time, I’ve learned that pain-relief and injury-recovery programs that are based on conclusions from scientific and medical research produce better results for most people.
The 16-minute knee replacement recovery program I’m going to show you on this page was developed using all of the following research:
- Artz N, Elvers KT, Lowe CM, Sackley C, Jepson P, Beswick AD. Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise following total knee replacement: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015;16:15.
- Bonutti PM, Marulanda GA, Mcgrath MS, Mont MA, Zywiel MG. Static progressive stretch improves range of motion in arthrofibrosis following total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2010;18(2):194-9.
- Chow TP, Ng GY. Active, passive and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching are comparable in improving the knee flexion range in people with total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2010;24(10):911-8.
- Piva SR, Gil AB, Almeida GJ, Digioia AM, Levison TJ, Fitzgerald GK. A balance exercise program appears to improve function for patients with total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther. 2010;90(6):880-94.
- Pozzi F, Snyder-mackler L, Zeni J. Physical exercise after knee arthroplasty: a systematic review of controlled trials. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013;49(6):877-92.
- Kim SM, Kim SR, Lee YK, Kim BR, Han EY. The effect of mechanical massage on early outcome after total knee arthroplasty: a pilot study. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015;27(11):3413-6.
- Minns lowe CJ, Barker KL, Dewey M, Sackley CM. Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise after knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2007;335(7624):812.
- This exercise program is designed SPECIFICALLY for people who’ve had (or will have) knee replacement surgery
After you have knee replacement surgery, some health professionals, doctors and physical therapists will give you a generic set of exercises to do that may be indistinguishable from those given to people with general knee pain.
This is a mistake, because people who have had knee replacement surgery have very different needs and capabilities!
For example, most “generic” exercise recovery programs don’t take into account that people who’ve had knee replacement surgery…
- Have significantly weakened quadriceps, because of the surgery
- Have significantly weakened hamstrings, because of the surgery
- Are unable to extend their knee and leg to a fully straight position, because of the surgery
- Will most likely be taking pain medication which could have side effects that could affect exercise and stretching
- And more...
Any effective recovery program needs to be aware of these circumstances and ensure that every exercise and stretch that is included will be safe, practical and effective for people who have these circumstances.
The program I’m going to show you on this page does all of that because it is designed specifically, AND ONLY for people who have had (or will have) knee replacement surgery.
So, What Exactly IS This Knee
Replacement Recovery Program?
And How Can YOU Start Using It Too?
I developed this knee replacement recovery program after hearing from many of my clients that they had knee replacement surgery and were struggling to get back to their normal, active, pain-free lives.
I used all the research mentioned above to make this program highly effective, and then I made sure the program was easy to do, so people would do it consistently.
My clients started getting excellent results, but I wanted more people to be able to benefit from this system, so I decided to make it into a video program that you could do at home, completely on your own.
I call it the: Knee Replacement Handbook
This is the same exact program Jane used. If you haven’t read her story, scroll to the top of this page. And many more of my clients have used it too, with excellent results.
THE BIG DIFFERENCE FOR YOU IS... you won’t have to travel to my office to see me personally, and you won’t have to pay the high fees I normally charge for individual sessions.
All you have to do is:
- Watch a few videos
- Do 16 minutes (or less) of EASY and GENTLE stretches each day
- Be a LITTLE BIT patient and then
I want you to get back to your life the way it was before surgery and all this terrible knee pain.
That’s what this program is all about….
- Get you back to your normal, active, pain-free life
- Get you back to walking, hiking, running, sports and hobbies
- Get you back to sleeping through the night, uninterrupted
- Get you back to work
- Get you back to playing with your kids and grandkids
- Get you back to a place where you don’t need to worry about your knees anymore!
Knee Replacement Handbook
Is A Simple, Step-By-Step System Of Gentle Movements And Easy Stretches That
Can Help You Recover From Your Knee Replacement Surgery And Get Back To A Normal, Active, Pain-Free Life FASTER…
Why does this system work so well to help people recover from knee replacement surgery?
Because it’s based on real scientific research, and because it’s comprehensive and easy.
It’s comprehensive…
...because it includes 10 different approaches to strengthening, lengthening, healing and protecting your replacement knee and the muscles that surround and support it. Because we attack the problem from so many different angles, and with so many different approaches, your recovery could happen a lot faster!
It’s easy…
...because I’ve arranged the 10 different approaches into one super-simple routine that requires only 16 minutes of your time each day. A HUGE REASON PEOPLE DON’T GET RESULTS from solutions like this one is that most solutions are too complex, too time-consuming, and too difficult to do. Because my solution is so easy, and takes so little time, you’ll find yourself actually WANTING to do it everyday, and LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING IT. And because you do it everyday, you’ll actually get the results you want! (And don’t worry - just because this program is easy to do and takes only 16 minutes a day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work - it does work! This is why, as you’ll see below, I’m offering an insane money-back guarantee with this program - I’m that confident!)
Here’s a quick look at the 10 different approaches you’ll have at your disposal in the Knee Replacement Handbook program:

After your knee replacement surgery, it will be difficult to bend your knee with the full weight of your body bearing down on it. To start this routine, I recommend just a few minutes of non-weight-bearing cardiovascular exercise. Because you’ll be seated, and your bodyweight won’t need to be supported by your knee, it will be much easier to bend and straighten the knee, so this is a very safe way to start increasing the range of motion on your replacement knee.

After knee replacement surgery, most people are unable to straighten their replacement knee leg all the way. Knee Extension exercises help strengthen the quadriceps which helps with bending and straightening, and also help increase range of motion in your replacement knee leg.

Most knee replacement recovery programs focus mostly on the knee, but it’s important to work on ankle mobility, because a more mobile, flexible ankle can take some of the excess load and stress off of your knee, which can help speed up your recovery and healing.

Flexion is a bending movement. With Knee Flexion exercises, we will work on bending and straightening the replacement knee leg with the goal of increasing range of motion.

The quadriceps are significantly weakened after knee replacement surgery due to the incision made during surgery, and the swelling that occurs in the knee after surgery. Strengthening your quadriceps is a crucial step in re-stabilizing and strengthening your replacement knee after surgery.

The gluteus maximus muscle helps stabilize the knee, helps with hip extension and transfers power to the leg through the knees. Since this muscle supports the knee so much and helps with so many different movements, it is crucial to strengthen it after knee replacement surgery, so you don’t lose range of motion and mobility in your knee and leg.

Like the quadriceps, the hamstrings are typically weakened after knee replacement surgery. And when the front of your thigh (quads) and the back of your thigh (hamstrings) are stronger and have better endurance, this takes a lot of the load and stress off of your knee. This helps your knee recover faster and provides more and better protection into the future.

With forward transfer, we are working on walking. With these exercises, you carefully and slowly transfer your weight from one leg to another, so your replacement knee is slowly trained to handle the weight and motion of walking.

We do a very gentle and easy squatting movement that helps to strengthen the muscles around the knee and in the hips so we can take more of the weight and stress off of your replacement knee, so it heals faster. This exercise also helps improve range of motion and strengthens the replacement knee.

(10) ICING
Icing is a very important part of recovery, and we give you specific instructions, so you can reduce inflammation and pain, and get back to your normal life as quickly as possible!
I’ve Heard Enough!
I Want To Try Knee Replacement Handbook
With No Risk, For 60 Days,
For Just One Payment Of $19
(Regular Price = $57)

(Regular Retail Price $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the Knee Replacement Handbook including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to order the Knee Replacement Handbook program for just $19
(Regular price is $57)
ATTENTION: ONLY THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE who order will get the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus!)
My team and I just finished COMPLETELY UPDATING the Knee Replacement Handbook program. We shot all new videos, we created all new manuals, we added more resources like cheat sheets, reference guides, tracking sheets, and lots more! THE NEW PROGRAM IS AWESOME!
We’re offering the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus) so we can get this new version of the program into the hands of a big group of people, so we can get some quick feedback and keep improving the program.
After the first 100 people order, the price for Knee Replacement Handbook goes back up to $57, and the bonus will NOT be included.
So, if you want to save $38 on this program, and get the bonus...
Here’s What’s DIFFERENT About The
Knee Replacement Handbook Program:
- This is not just a bunch of exercises thrown together with the HOPE that they will relieve your pain and help you recover from surgery faster. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM that has already helped many of my clients and students.
- UNLIKE MANY OTHER knee replacement exercise programs, this program is based on real scientific research - I used conclusions from 7 different scientific papers and studies to create this program. In my 25+ years as a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist, I’ve seen that the programs that are based on the conclusions of real medical and scientific research just work better for most people.
- I didn’t just make up this program. It is the result of YEARS OF SCHOLARLY MEDICAL RESEARCH and feedback from REAL-WORLD TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS WITH MY CLIENTS.
- This program doesn’t require you to make any big changes in your lifestyle - all you have to do is 16 minutes of light exercises and stretches each day.
- You can do this exercise program by yourself, in the comfort of your own home, with just your body and a floor, or bed.
- This program has only the exercises you need to reduce and eliminate your pain and recover from surgery… and nothing else.
- You will know EXACTLY how to do each and every stretch and exercise PROPERLY. You will know EXACTLY what order to do the exercises in. You will know EXACTLY how many times to do each stretch and exercise. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each exercise with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each exercise correctly. Nothing will be left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out perfectly and clearly for you.
- All of your questions will be answered. I have diligently collected questions from each of my clients over the years, so you will have all the answers you need, and NEVER FEEL STUCK. And on the off-chance that I haven’t answered one of your questions, you can always email us at and we will get back to you quickly with an answer!
- You’ll learn not only how to do the exercises correctly, but also the common mistakes people make doing these exercises. This is crucial because doing the exercises just right makes A HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether this will work for you or not.
- I will also show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
- And much more…
What Exactly Do You Get In The
Knee Replacement Handbook Program?
I want this program to work for you. I want it to help you recover FASTER from your knee replacement surgery and get back to the normal, healthy, active, pain-free life you love. That’s why my team and I have worked hard to make this program comprehensive (so it actually works for you), fast and easy to learn (so you'll actually invest the time to learn it), and fast and easy to do (so you'll actually do it on a consistent basis, which is the only way you’ll get the results you want!)
Below is a description of exactly what each component of the program is and how each helps get you to your end goal >>> FASTER RECOVERY FROM YOUR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY, so you can get back to your life as it was BEFORE this!
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE: Video, Manual, And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition
It’s very important, before you get started, to assess your current condition. This is the first thing I do every time I see a new client who has just had knee replacement surgery. We need to understand how much pain you’re experiencing now, and what range of motion you can currently handle. Having this information will help protect your replacement knee, and help you get the best possible results, in the shortest amount of time.
In your Self-Assessment Package, you get a video and a brief manual that walk you through, step-by-step, how to perform a simple self-assessment. Based on this information, you’ll know exactly where to start in the Knee Replacement Handbook program.
You also get a convenient Fill-In Sheet that allows you to write each of your answers and assessments down as you watch the assessment video and read the manual.
When you get the Knee Replacement Handbook program, I want you to come up to speed FAST on what you need to know, so you can get started FAST, and start recovering FAST! So, I’ve distilled the educational content of the program down to the most important summary points you need to know.
In this Condition Summary, I explain, in plain English, what to expect after knee replacement surgery, some things to avoid that can make things worse, and some helpful tips for how to recover faster.
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS
Knee Replacement Handbook is a comprehensive program of gentle, yet highly-effective stretches and exercises designed to shorten your recovery period after knee replacement surgery, so you can get back a normal, active, pain-free life, faster!
Why does this exercise program have 3 stages?
First… don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 sequence, which will only take 16 minutes each day, you should start to feel a reduction of your pain and a greater range of motion within 7 days. But ultimately, I want to help you get back to a fully active and pain-free life, so that’s why this program has 3-stages - to make sure you have everything you need to do that.
The 3 stages progress from very easy and gentle (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This 3-stage structure makes it so that virtually any person can complete this program, even those who have severe pain, and even those who have never exercised a day in their life. The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you can get the fastest possible recovery.
Why many injury and exercise video programs WON’T ACTUALLY HELP YOU...
My most important goal in creating this video exercise program was to make sure your experience with it is as close as possible to you having personal, face-to-face sessions with me.
This is because, in order to get the best possible results, in the shortest period of time, it is critical that you learn to do these stretches and movements the right way, in the right sequence, with the right amount of intensity, and for the right length of time.
Most video exercise programs leave these kinds of details out, and this leaves you unsure about exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it. This causes confusion, and might leave you discouraged, and you may decide not to continue with the program, which means you’ll definitely not get the results you want.
My goal was to make these videos as close as possible to real, face-to-face training and coaching sessions with me, so you get the results you want, as quickly as possible.
That’s why my team and I have worked hard to create a comprehensive package of videos, manuals, guides and tracking sheets for each of the 3 progressive stages in this program, so you will have absolutely everything you need to learn this system properly, ON YOUR OWN, IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME… you can do it consistently, until your replacement knee and leg are strong and sturdy, and you can get back to your life.
For each of the 3 stages of this exercise program, you get:
- 1 Instructional Video
- 1 Follow-Along Video
- 1 Comprehensive Manual
- 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- 1 Progress Tracking Sheet
Here’s what comes in each:
You get one Instructional Video for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your virtual personal training sessions with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
You also get 3 Follow-Along Videos - one for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your personal coaching sessions with me.
These videos make doing this program SUPER-EASY.
When you’re ready to do your exercise sequence for the day, just play the Follow-Along Video and do each of the stretches and exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them all, on the video with you. While you do that, I’ll be counting out time and reps, and coaching you along the way.
You get 3 Comprehensive Manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. These handy PDF guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
Once you get into the program and start learning the exercises, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time. That’s exactly what these Exercise Quick Reference Guides are for.
You get an Exercise Quick Reference Guide for each of the 3 Stages in this program, so you’ll have a quick and easy way to find, learn, and do all of the exercises in each stage. In each Exercise Quick Reference Guide, you get a start and end photo for every stretch and exercise, a quick summary of the stretch or exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.
Peter Drucker said: “What gets measured, gets improved.” In my 25+ years as a Kinesiologist and pain and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs typically get better and faster results than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the stretches and exercises!
You get a Progress Tracking Sheet for each of the 3 stages in this program. All you have to do is check off the exercises you do each day. It takes only a few seconds, but provides massive benefits!
As a Knee Replacement Handbook customer, you get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to my Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group.
In this group, you can get all of your questions answered by my team of health and fitness experts. You’ll also get support, accountability and inspiration that isn’t always available in your own life. Support, accountability and inspiration are critical to ensuring that you follow through on the Knee Replacement Handbook program, so you can recover from surgery faster and get back to a normal, active, pain-free life.
For many of my customers, this coaching group is the missing piece that finally helps them overcome their injuries and achieve their health and fitness goals.
We are always adding new material to this program in order to help you get better results.
You will get FREE access to all updates for life!
AND... If You’re One Of The First 100 People To Order, You’re Also Going To Get A FREE COPY Of The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe eBook (A $37 Value!):
Delicious meals that are easy to make, that fight inflammation, reduce pain, help you lose weight, and make you healthier overall...
It sounds too good to be true… but it’s not!
You’ve probably heard all about inflammation and how it’s been linked to all the worst diseases, and how it makes us gain weight, and creates pain in our bodies.
Well the fastest, easiest way to reduce inflammation, reduce your risk for disease, lose weight and reduce pain is…
Stop eating as many inflammation-inducing foods and start eating more anti-inflammatory foods.
Here’s the great part:
I know it might sound like a pain to make this change… but it can actually be easy to cook these anti-inflammatory foods, and you can make them so they are absolutely delicious!
To prove that... my team and I have created this fantastic cookbook called Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes.
If you’re one of the first 100 people to order my Knee Replacement Handbook program, you’ll get a free copy of Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. (This special cookbook normally retails for $37!)
This is the formula we used when we created this cookbook:
HEALTHY + EASY + DELICIOUS = Healthy, Happy People!
- HEALTHY: Our team of nutritionists and recipe writers examined numerous medical studies in the creation of these recipes to make sure they’re all anti-inflammatory!
- EASY: These recipes are easy-to-follow and easy-to-make for regular people - you don’t need to be a chef or even good at cooking!
- DELICIOUS: The best part is how delicious these recipes are. Once you sample these tasty dishes, you will never again subscribe to this healthy eating myth: “Healthy food just tastes bad!”
Cooking For Pain-Free Living contains professionally-crafted meals designed to:
- Increase your sustainable energy (without sugar spikes or crashes)
- Prevent chronic diseases from forming due to inflammation
- Improve your body’s natural healing processes
- Counteract or even reverse the aging process
- Give you the freedom to enjoy meals without silly restrictions
- Stimulate your body’s hormones for the feel-good “highs”
- Give you the best sleep of your life
The Cooking For Pain-Free Living Recipe Book includes:
- 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes
- 6 Breakfast Recipes
- 40 Entree Recipes
- 9 Side & A La Carte Recipes
- 6 Soup & Bread Recipes
- 19 Dessert Recipes
- 21 Drink & Smoothie Recipes
- Important Insights on Nightshade Vegetables
- Nightshade allergy & intolerance symptoms
- Details on Solanine Toxicity Syndrome
- Food replacement suggestions
Here are just some of the great recipes you’ll get:
- Coconut Buttermilk Grilled Chicken
- Baked Cajun Chicken Breasts
- Grilled Greek Chicken
- Jalapeno Cilantro Chicken
- Lamb Steak with Avocado Pesto
- Pork Steaks with Sun Dried Tomato Aioli
- Guinness Beef Steak with Sweet Potato Fries
- Chipotle Grilled Salmon with Avocado Sauce
- Soy Citrus Marinated Tuna with Lemon Butter Sauce
- Heart-Shaped Crispy Gluten-Free Pizza
- Gluten-Free Irish Soup Bread
- Mung Bean and Lentil Burgers
- Oat Pancakes with Caramelized Apples
- Coconut Flour Donuts
- Guinness Almond Cupcakes
- Double Layered Mousse with Blueberries
- Chocolate Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting
- Chocolate Coconut Butter Cookies
- Raspberry Rose Chocolate Brownies
- Guilt-Free Chunky Monkey

I think you can see that these are not your typical, boring, everything-has-kale-in-it-and-tastes-like-cardboard “diet” recipes!
This special anti-inflammatory cookbook normally sells for $37!
But you get it FREE, if you’re one of the first 100 people to order Knee Replacement Handbook.
FACT: Most People Who Buy Exercise Programs Like This Never Actually Do Them On A Consistent Basis!
Here’s why this program is going to be different,
and why you actually will do it on a consistent basis...
Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?
Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:
“I don’t want to join a gym.” “I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”
No problem. You don’t have to join a gym or buy any equipment to do the Knee Replacement Handbook program. All you need is your body and a floor, or a bed.
“I don’t have time to exercise.”
No problem. I designed this program so you could complete it in 16 minutes (or less) every day. This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!
“I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”
Perfect. This program is low-impact and very gentle, so it’s safe for just about everyone, and it’s intentionally gradual, meaning you start out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually.
“I don’t want to do crazy intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”
Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why the duration and intensity of this program (which you can easily adjust if you choose to) are designed not to exhaust you, but gently stretch, lengthen and strengthen the muscles that surround and support your replacement knee. You won’t even break a sweat doing this program!
“I’ve had trainers that made me do too much, too fast and I just got overwhelmed and discouraged.”
I hear this all the time. This program works with a gradual progress approach. We start you out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually, so you never feel overwhelmed or too far outside your comfort zone. And, if things are too easy and too slow for you at any point, we also show you how you can adjust and increase the progress yourself.
ATTENTION: ONLY THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE who order will get the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus!)
My team and I just finished COMPLETELY UPDATING the Knee Replacement Handbook program. We shot all new videos, we created all new manuals, we added more resources like cheat sheets, reference guides, tracking sheets, and lots more! THE NEW PROGRAM IS AWESOME!
We’re offering the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus) so we can get this new version of the program into the hands of a big group of people, so we can get some quick feedback and keep improving the program.
After the first 100 people order, the price for Knee Replacement Handbook goes back up to $57, and the bonus will NOT be included.
So, if you want to save $38 on this program, and get the bonus...
to get the entire Knee Replacement Handbook
program and the Special Bonus Cookbook,
for just one payment of $19
(Regular Price = $57)
to get the entire Knee Replacement Handbook
program and the Special Bonus Cookbook,
for just one payment of $19
(Regular Price = $57)

(Regular Retail Price $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the Knee Replacement Handbook including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to order the Knee Replacement Handbook program for just $19
(Regular price is $57)
How My Knee Replacement Handbook
Program Gives YOU All The Control...
I specifically chose to make this a downloadable VIDEO program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or as quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you want.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and you will have unlimited access to them, forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone can help you speed up your recovery and get back to the life you love, and they're very affordable!

Here’s everything you get for $57 $19:
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGEVideo, Manual and Fill-In Sheet to help you assess your current condition |
($47 value) |
CONDITION SUMMARYBrief overview on what to expect after knee replacement surgery, some things to avoid that can make things worse, and some helpful tips on how to recover faster. |
($27 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 1Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
(2 Videos, 3 PDFs) |
($67 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 2Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
(2 Videos, 3 PDFs) |
($67 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 3Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
(2 Videos, 3 PDFs) |
($67 value) |
($37 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #2: FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN EFI VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #3: FREE LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime the Knee Replacement Handbook program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (7 videos, 13 PDF files) |
$406.00 |
$57.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 100 people to order!) |
$19.00 |
(*REMEMBER... don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 sequence, which will only take 16 minutes each day, you should start to feel a reduction of your pain and a greater range of motion within 7 days. But ultimately, I want to help you get back to a fully active and pain-free life, so that’s why this program has 3-stages - to make sure you have everything you need to do that.)

This program comes with a 60-day, unconditional, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test-drive this whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting results.
If you aren’t totally ecstatic with the results, just send us an email at, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send an SMS to 1-888-229-4992 within 60 days from the date of your purchase, and we will issue you a full refund.
Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on Knee Replacement Handbook?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. This program is based on conclusions from 7 different scientific and medical papers and studies. It includes exercises, movements, and sequences you won’t find anywhere else. And it works. This program has already worked for many of my clients and students.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and focus on using it to get better. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can reduce your pain, recover faster from knee replacement surgery, and get back to a normal, healthy, active, pain-free life. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether it’s going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day, unconditional 100% money-back guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting better.
Click The Yellow Button Below
To Try My Knee Replacement Handbook
Program Risk-Free, For 60 Days,
For Just One Payment Of $19
(Regular Price = $57)
To Try My Knee Replacement Handbook
Program Risk-Free, For 60 Days,
For Just One Payment Of $19
(Regular Price = $57)

(Regular Retail Price $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the Knee Replacement Handbook including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to order the Knee Replacement Handbook program for just $19
(Regular price is $57)
Who Created The Knee Replacement
Handbook Program?
Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering has come from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.
Here are a few relevant facts about me:
- I’ve been a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist since 1994 (25+ years).
- I spent 6 years at university studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise, and got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
- I have 25+ years of hands-on experience, working directly with clients and teaching my techniques and programs to fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers.
- I have conducted thousands of personal training sessions.
- I have reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
- I’m also an author and speaker, and I’ve given over 260 presentations to more than 5,000 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.
- These are some of the major publications my work has been featured in:

I’m all about finding what works… and unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there, even from trained professionals and reputable sources… do not work!
Some of the most effective methods I’ve discovered for eliminating pain and healing injuries are counterintuitive - they required diligent research, testing, and creativity to discover.
People get the best results when they follow a program that’s been properly designed. The best programs include only the exercises that are necessary, instructions on how to perform them properly, the proper order in which to perform them, and instructions on what the right amount of rest is, and when to take it. Not doing all the steps, or performing them in the wrong order, or taking too little rest, or too much, can throw you off course, and sometimes even make things worse.
I’ve learned that understanding the CAUSE of injuries and painful conditions can help heal and prevent them. For example, most people don’t realize that they’re doing certain things every day that put stress and tension on certain muscles, tendons, tissues and joints, and over time, these create chronic pain and injury. Simply becoming aware, and then making tiny adjustments, can actually result in a much higher quality of life for many people.
30 Days From Now...Will You Still
Be Struggling To Recover From

Knee Replacement Surgery?
Unfortunately, too many people are given ineffective exercise routines for their recovery from knee replacement surgery. Many of these ineffective programs are too “generic”... or not designed specifically for people who have gotten this surgery… or not based on findings from the latest medical and scientific research.
If you rely only on these types of programs, you may find that in 30 days, your recovery hasn’t made much progress.
You may still be stuck in bed.
You may still be unable to drive.
You may still be unable to sleep through the night.
You may still not be able to work.
You may still have TONS of pain.
I sincerely hope none of that happens, but there’s an easy thing you can do - that has no risk, that could end up helping you in a big way...
If you try my Knee Replacement Handbook program for 60 days, with absolutely no risk (it comes with an unconditional, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee), I am 98% sure that in just 30 days, you will see some EXCELLENT results, and you’ll be feeling A LOT BETTER.
Why 98%?
Because nothing works for everyone. That’s just reality.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $19 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and just 16 minutes a day… see if my Knee Replacement Handbook program could help you recover faster, and get back to your normal life faster?
Like I said, nothing works for everyone…
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if you ACTUALLY did see a big reduction in your pain, and a big increase in your range of motion, and you felt great and hopeful about all the progress… just 30 days from now?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...
...especially since you have no risk?
Click The Yellow Button Below
To Try My Knee Replacement Handbook Program,
Risk-Free For 60 Days, And Get The Special Bonus Cookbook, All For Just One Payment Of $19
(Regular Price = $57)
To Try My Knee Replacement Handbook Program,
Risk-Free For 60 Days, And Get The Special Bonus Cookbook, All For Just One Payment Of $19
(Regular Price = $57)

(Regular Retail Price $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the Knee Replacement Handbook including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to order the Knee Replacement Handbook program for just $19
(Regular price is $57)
- Only the first 100 people who order will get the discounted price of $19 and the special bonus. My team and I have just finished COMPLETELY UPDATING the Knee Replacement Handbook We’re offering this discounted price of $19 and the special bonus cookbook to get this new version of the program into the hands of a big group of people, so we can get some quick feedback and keep improving it. After the first 100 people order, the price for Knee Replacement Handbook goes back up to $57 and the bonus cookbook will not be included. So, if you want to save $38 on this program, click here to order yours now...
- You can try this program out for 60 days with no risk! If you want to recover faster from your knee replacement surgery, get this program and try it out for 60 days. Right now, it’s only $19, and you’ll get all your money back if you don’t get the results you want. You have 60 days to go through the entire program, do all the stretches, see what results you get, and judge for yourself whether it was worth it or not. If you feel like it wasn’t, we’ll gladly refund all your money.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I was surfing around the Internet and found a bunch of exercises for recovery from knee replacement surgery. Will these help?
You can definitely find exercises for recovery from knee replacement surgery online. But, you won’t find a comprehensive program that includes 10 different approaches to strengthening, lengthening, healing and protecting your replacement knee and the muscles that surround and support it. You won’t find a complete program that has been carefully crafted, based on scientific research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the necessary exercises, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of repetitions and sets. That’s exactly what Knee Replacement Handbook is.
What kind of equipment do I need to do this program?
While many of the exercises and movements in the program are performed with your body only, you will also need a few inexpensive items such as the Stationary Bike, Rowing Machine, Stability Ball and Chair. You can purchase these equipment at most sporting goods stores or you can check our Exercises For Injuries Store. How to use these items will be covered in the program so you know exactly how to do the exercises safely and effectively. Note, if you do not have these items, exercises modifications and exercises alternatives are provided in detail.
I’m almost 70 - can I do this program?
Absolutely. This program is very low impact, and uses a gradual progression approach, which means we start out very slowly and gently, and then increase the intensity and duration of the exercises and stretches only as much as you can safely handle.
How long does it take each day to do the exercises in this program?
Each exercise session in this program is designed to take 16 minutes or less to complete. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re first learning the stretches and movements, but you’ll have it down to 16 minutes or less in no time because these sequences are very easy to learn.
How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience pain reduction and increased range of motion within 7 days.
Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?
Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. I don’t do that. My program includes only the exercises you need. I also recommend you do them in a specific sequence and I give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. My program has been carefully designed, based on scientific research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out clearly and easy for you to follow. My best advice for you is to stop all of the other exercises you are doing, and focus only on the Knee Replacement Handbook program for at least the next 30 days.
Can I use this program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
This program is specifically designed for people who have had knee replacement surgery, but it’s always a good idea to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Are the stretches and movements difficult to perform?
Not at all. These are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. And each stretch, movement and exercise is very gentle.
How long does it take to get my DVDs?
There are no DVDs – we won’t be sending you anything in the mail. This is a digital video product, which means you can access everything online at our secure download web page. You get access to this download web page and everything in the Knee Replacement Handbook program (all the videos, manuals, cheat sheets, and trackers) immediately after you order. You can immediately download everything onto your computer and get started right away. No waiting for anything in the mail.
Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?
No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and revisit any aspects of the videos anytime.
Can I burn the videos onto a DVD?
Yes, you can. You can download the videos to your computer and then burn them to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the videos on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?
Absolutely – the videos are in M4V format that can be viewed on any computer, tablet or smartphone.

Video, PDF Manual, and Fill-In Sheet to help you assess your current condition

Brief overview of what to expect after knee replacement surgery, some things to avoid that can make things worse, and some helpful tips for faster recovery.

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 1 Instructional Video
- STAGE 1 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 1 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 1 Progress Tracking Sheet

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 2 Instructional Video
- STAGE 2 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 2 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 2 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 2 Progress Tracking Sheet

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 3 Instructional Video
- STAGE 3 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 3 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 3 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 3 Progress Tracking Sheet

Get your questions answered by my team of health and fitness experts and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration.

“Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes”

To the Knee Replacement Handbook program
(*REMEMBER... don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 sequence, which will only take 16 minutes each day, you should start to feel a reduction of your pain and a greater range of motion within 7 days. But ultimately, I want to help you get back to a fully active and pain-free life, so that’s why this program has 3-stages - to make sure you have everything you need to do that.)
Click this yellow button to get it all, right now, for just $19:

(Regular Retail Price $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the Knee Replacement Handbook including the Cooking For Pain-Free Living - 101 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes. You get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365, on any computer or mobile device.
you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the whole program,
(Comes with iron-clad, 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee)
CLICK HERE NOW to order the Knee Replacement Handbook program for just $19
(Regular price is $57)
ATTENTION: ONLY THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE who order will get the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus!)
My team and I just finished COMPLETELY UPDATING the Knee Replacement Handbook program. We shot all new videos, we created all new manuals, we added more resources like cheat sheets, reference guides, tracking sheets, and lots more! THE NEW PROGRAM IS AWESOME!
We’re offering the discounted price of $19 (and the special bonus) so we can get this new version of the program into the hands of a big group of people, so we can get some quick feedback and keep improving the program.
After the first 100 people order, the price for Knee Replacement Handbook goes back up to $57, and the bonus will NOT be included.
So, if you want to save $38 on this program, and get the bonus...
NOTE: The Knee Replacement Handbook program is a set of 7 downloadable videos, and 13 PDF files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the videos and PDF files. The PDF files can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact us at